
Friday, January 07, 2011

Week 15 in Review

So we were supposed to roll back into things, get back to work, be productive, and we were--to a certain extent.  I found that the kids would likely have cooperated with anything I put before them, if only I could get them out of bed!  The Christmas vacation had us on a late-to-bed, late-to-rise routine.  All of us seemed to want to keep that this week, and we were all very sluggish in the mornings, until finally I just started waking them up on Thursday and Friday.  I don't regret our holiday.  It was full of restful play, reading, play, reading, sleeping, and more play and more reading.  But the downside is that it is such a pleasant state, it is difficult to break out of that routine...or should we?  Yes, I suppose we should.  I was the one reading...the kids played a LOT of Wii. 

The main goal of the week was to get us thinking about school stuff again...math, reading, CC memory work--mainly greasing the axles and getting them going.  Both did great with all that was required of them, even if we weren't exactly efficient or timely in getting it done.  Matty finished The Hobbit over break and decided he really wants to try reading Lord of the Rings.  I obliged and got him the books, but made him promise that he would not feel discouraged if he couldn't tackle it all right now.  He promised.  We'll see how it goes. 

So far, so good. We have completed week one of our second term in the deep midwinter.


  1. We had a similar first week back. Ours is a house of late risers too. Those first few days up early are killers! Sounds like you had a nice ease back into routine!

  2. Lily has been wanting to read Tolkien but I wasn't sure about content and age. Good to know you are letting Matty read the series.


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