
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First Day Back to School, Take 2

Two weeks ago we attempted a start back to the school routine.  Then a cold decided to blaze through the family and leave us all pretty miserable.  The kids in the neighborhood who wanted to play were more than available.  There were many distractions and let's just say that last week we took it easier, deciding to hit the books again today, the day after Labor day, which is when all the public schools started.

The Lord has a way of keeping me humble, no matter what.  I have to confess that I had a sneaking suspicion that August 23 was not the day to begin school.  I can't really explain why I knew that, I just did somehow.  Even so, perfectionist, overachieving me wanted a jump start on the school year.  Why?  I guess I don't have a great answer for that.  Today was a great day to begin.  It was the day the Lord ordained for me to really have things squared away and settled, and the results were satisfying.  I have been walking this walk long enough to know the voice of the Lord.  I knew that the 23rd was not going to work, but I insisted.  If I had listened to the still, small voice, I could have rested better through that cold, saved myself the trouble, and begun when the Lord said.  That takes time...listening and talking and resting in what he speaks to my heart.  Why I continue to second-guess it I can't really understand.  

Anyway, it was a much better start.  To begin with, I could breathe.  That's always good.  Secondly, my children's appetites were whetted and they were ready to jump in and tackle their work.  I was really proud of their efforts.  It's a short week this week, and then Friday we go back to Classical Conversations

Tomorrow I'll have the kids draw their annual self-portraits--always fun. Perhaps I'll post the results.

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